Paperbacks are A-Go Go

It’s been a big week for eMergent paperbacks with 100 Stories for Queensland and Nothing But Flowers finding their first home in an Australian book store. Many thanks to Chris, Fiona, Krissy and the rest of the staff at Avid Reader in West End. I’m told info about the books went out in Avid’s newsletter yesterday. It was wonderful to see them on the front counter, and tonight saw them also on the front table pile of books along with the latest James Bond book Carte Blanche, Leslie Cannold’s Book of Rachel and Max Barry’s Machine Man. In very good company.

Tomorrow I have to run the gauntlet to get 100 Stories into the hands of the staff at Riverbend Books and Black Cat Books in Paddington have agreed to stock it as well. Additionally Peter Pal, library suppliers in Shailer Park took stock of 18 copies last Friday and James Bennet in Sydney have requested a copy. Finding the time to keep up with it all is challenging (to say the least). Especially when my awesome office imp, Laura Meyer is located in Victoria!

Buy Online Direct from eP and Save

The online book shop at 100 Stories is up and running, so you can buy the paperback there for $19.99 + P&H (RRP $29.99 here in Australia). Same goes for Nothing But Flowers, $16.99 (including P&H – RRP $19.99) at the revamped bookstore on the brand new Literary Mix Tapes site

A Quiet Word With Patty Jansen

I have the honour today of talking about 100 Stories for Queensland, my publishing adventures and winning ‘The Hembury” in May over at Patty Jansen’s Need Bigger Elephants (what a smashingly awesome name for a blog!) Please feel free to slip over for a read and leave a comment.

I also have a few questions from Angela Slatter waiting to be answered, for a not too distant Drive-By on her site. I’m torn as to whether to choose the donut or the danish?

And speaking of quiet words… the lovely staff at the Queensland Writers Centre sent me a little something in the post today.

After years of believing the post only bought bills and nasty letters from Centrelink, I have renewed faith and excitement in the arrival of the postie each day. Kind of like being a kid all over again.

Mr D becomes my official postman
putting books in the post for Alan Baxter and Andrew McKiernan
(the first of what will be hundreds of books to many excited readers)